Saturday, November 30, 2013

Social networking

We are all connected. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Bing, blip, ping and ring. We are inundated with new information, new images, new messages, new everything all the time. We don't need to think too hard, to reflect, digest or sit still with our thoughts. Nope. There's so much distraction why would we ever need to?

There is now a growing discipline of philosophy and pop psychology on the subject and articles are popping up everywhere from mainstream magazines to highbrow literature. It's not just a phase folks. 

We all experience the conflict of the convenience against the mind numbing, social disturbances of what technology brings. I feel (I hope) the backlash will come soon and there will be a shift in the way we engage with one another and with our machines. I'm guilty of the exact things I criticize. And I am working hard on changing the addictive behavior and sitting without distraction. Walking down the street and observing. Observing. I think that is an undervalued art form.

I walk down the sidewalk & watch as dozens of zombies wobble and zig zag down the street unaware of their surroundings, of the potential dangers, the small details, the subtle beauty of the way the light hits a street corner or an old man holds a smile. What is our present state if we are all constantly in a frenzy of techno trances obsessed with the future? And in turn, what becomes our life when the beautiful moments, the human to human connections, the pauses and reflections become overtaken by our devices. What is it we are hiding from?

(Is this what we want to teach our children?)

Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday.

There is nothing necessary or natural about this. If you find yourself in this situation its because you've been manipulated to behave like a robot and submit to the consumerist machine. No one needs anything being sold by stores that force their employees to get ripped out of bed at 2am to go to work in a retail store. If you engage, you are consenting to this insanity. Your refusal to participate is your voice, your vote. Wouldn't you rather spend the day connecting with someone you love? 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Giving thanks

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures - Thornton Wilder

I'm feeling super overwhelmed by gratitude these days. Thankful for my health and the health of my loved ones, thankful for the love of my life and the love in my life. Thankful for the way my path seems to be unfolding in beautiful ways. So many angels, guides, helpers along my way that seem to be sending me along the right path. Thank you. Every single one of you.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Loveliness is the loveliest.

Today I received the most beautiful flower arrangement from one of my favorite designers (J. Mendel). How super lovely are these?! It completely brightened up my day. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Pay it foward

Don't you just love good manners & grace?  I feel like lately when I'm offered a seat on crowded subway car, a door held by a stranger or a kind farewell from a cab driver it really makes me want to send it on into the world. It also renews my faith in people & manners. 

Consider that next time you have an interaction with a's the little act of sweetness that can carry us to our better selves and give someone a little loveliness in the moment. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Winter's arrival...

I woke up this morning to the soft flurry of snow against the gorgeous palette of golden leaves out my window. Winter has arrived and it's gorgeous.