Ever think about the effect your daily interactions have on those around you? How often do you feel your day pick up when a random act of kindess comes your way, that elevator door that someone holds, the kind exchange from a cab driver, a waiter, a stranger on the street who helps you carry your heavy suitcase down the subway stairs. I was discussing the "big picutre" with some people recently, talking about how we wanted to leave our mark on the world in a big way and the grandiose ideas that connect to that goal. I started thinking about it and I realize it's actually the little acts of patience, compassion and kindness that affect our days and our lives. How often do you feel inspired to pay it forward when someone shows you unexpected help or unprompted guidance? I think its important to realize how very crucial our seemingly small acts and gestures are and how they add up to the bigger picture. What did you do today that felt like you were contributing to this ripple?