Today feels like summer is really coming an end. Sad as it makes me I didn't really have a summer in the proper sense this year so I can't say I'm nostalgic for it. I had an ass-kicking, industrious summer and I'm feeling ready for a weekend upstate & a momentous fall.
In the meantime here's a few things I'm grateful for today:
1. Beautiful, clear sunny mornings as the city wakes up and everyone heads to work. There is such a great energy on the streets in that magic hour before the whole city is awake.
2. Great clients. I had a mach speed shoot today but it was so much fun because of the team I worked with.
3. Fashion week. Love it or hate it (I go back and forth) it revs us up, sharpens up our looks and puts an excitement back on the streets.
4. Nice photographers. Yes, talent matters too but when you get both you realize what a difference it makes. I recently shot with someone I've been wanting to work with for a while & he was such a dream to collaborate with.
5. Working as a guest Market Editor at Paper Magazine! I have had so much fun working with the brilliant and lovely crew at Paper and I hope I get to do it again soon (and often).