Friday, March 21, 2014

Silent stunner.

Iceland is a magical, magical land. I was struck by the sweet openness of the people and the stunning silence of the country itself.  I have never been anywhere else in the world where I could stand still and hear nothing but the earth. Nothing else. Not a plane, a car, a bird, another human: nothing.

There are few things more powerful in this world (especially when you live in New York City) than silence. Beautiful stunning silence. I felt every single cell in my body disconnect from the frenetic world I left behind and twinkle to life in this peaceful solitude. What a wonder of natural beauty. Iceland is like nothing I've ever seen, not just the landscape but the culture as well. There is a twinkle in the eye of Icelanders that makes you feel like they are in on a secret, they are part of a mysterious culture that follows the rhythm of its own beat. What a gift to get a moment to take it in. I hope I can keep a piece of this feeling with me for a very long time.

Quite possibly the freshest & tastiest fish and chips I've ever eaten. 

The concert hall by Olafur Eliasson

local flavor. 

The Blue Lagoon

Sun Voyager by Jón Gunnar Árnason