Lately I've had these waves of peace that wash over me and feel like some kind of deep breath was just released. At first I mistook it for exhaustion (and easy thing to do these days) and then I explored it further and realized this is what bliss feels like. I don't mean to sound all Oprah about this but I bring it up because I think so often we are focused on the next thing and not really allowing ourselves to feel happy. I know for me there have been so many moments where I look around and see that I should be experiencing joy but I was so full of mental chatter that I couldn't just let it go and give in to enjoying that fleeting happy moment. I've been working on just letting go and giving completely into this moment. It might be laughing with my daughter, goofing around with my boyfriend or sitting outside having a heart to heart with my girlfriends over a glass of wine. I have pushed and worked my ass off to be where I am right now and as much as getting to the next goal is my biggest priority I have finally understood to relish this time, the work, the beauty and the gratitude I have for my life.