I guess its obvious if you've read my blog you know I love New York City. I love this city like its a living, breathing creature. To me it is. This city has so much life and heart and pulse that I think I fall in love with it almost every single day. Don't get me wrong, like all healthy relationships I have plenty of issues with and criticisms of it too (excessive trash on streets, crowds of mindless tourists, aggro cab drivers, rent!) but this city just thrills me almost daily. I started my day running down the West Side Highway (there are few things in life I enjoy more than this) and watching the morning come to life with bike commuters, kids being charperoned to schools, fellow joggers, lingering street walkers, bus drivers starting their shift- it is such a rush to engage this frenetic hustle. It feeds me, pushes me (and occassionaly exhausts me) but mostly this city just feels like magic. A magical place filled with magical people.
I stumbled upon this gorgeous video the artist Ryan McGinley shot recently for a new Sigur Ros album and felt like he beautifully captures the spirit. See for yourself: