Thursday, April 30, 2015

Spring blooms.

Few things make me happier than having fresh flowers. Sometimes it feels like a superfluous indulgence but lately I realize how good it feels to come home and have fresh blooms all over the apartment.  The flower district is one of my favorite places and I love to stroll through the street and see all the stunning flowers, even more than that I love chatting with the guys who run these places- I'm always amazed at how these incredibly masculine guys can wax poetic on everything from the perfect time of year to buy a peony to how to keep an air plant alive ('listen to them, they whisper').

Here are a few of my flower district favorites:

G Page:
US Evergreen 805 6th Avenue
Caribbean Cuts:
Noble Plants: 106 W. 28th Street

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Top Five

Just having the absolute best lazy Sunday . Hanging with my family being absolute goofballs while the birds chirp out back and the sun shines through the sky light, its almost 3pm and I'm still in my pajamas.  We may live in a tiny apartment but it is pure bliss.  It made me start reflecting on how incredible this wild ride into motherhood has been. So here are my top 5 favorite things about motherhood so far:

1. endless laughter (mine, my daughters, my boyfriends) there almost always seems to be someone laughing. 
2. engaging my idiotic goofball side without judgement
3. the smell of my daughters head & her breath. I can't get enough.
4. being a team with my partner.
5. learning to be patient (you have to show by example, right?!)

Friday, April 24, 2015

Never say never.

I never ever in a million years thought I would be lusting for flare legged jeans.  Ever. I've been a die-hard skinny jean girl for over 15 years.  The sight of people in anything boot cut or even vaguely bell bottom-y usually makes me cringe (and realize I'm probably in a mall in some other part of the country) BUT this new flare jean trend has me rethinking my denim preferences. I am loving the new flares and the way I see women rocking them out. Its a perfect break from the skinny shape and brings a whole new silhouette out to play. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

I Heart NYC

I guess its obvious if you've read my blog you know I love New York City. I love this city like its a living, breathing creature. To me it is. This city has so much life and heart and pulse that I think I fall in love with it almost every single day. Don't get me wrong, like all healthy relationships I have plenty of issues with and criticisms of it too (excessive trash on streets, crowds of mindless tourists, aggro cab drivers, rent!) but this city just thrills me almost daily. I started my day running down the West Side Highway (there are few things in life I enjoy more than this) and watching the morning come to life with bike commuters, kids being charperoned to schools, fellow joggers, lingering street walkers, bus drivers starting their shift- it is such a rush to engage this frenetic hustle. It feeds me, pushes me (and occassionaly exhausts me) but mostly this city just feels like magic. A magical place filled with magical people. 

I stumbled upon this gorgeous video the artist Ryan McGinley shot recently for a new Sigur Ros album and felt like he beautifully captures the spirit.   See for yourself:

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Five easy pieces.

Taken from the website ( these five tips seem realistic and really on point:

Wanna get happy? Just do this one thing.

Noooooooooooo. Of course not.
Happiness—or a consistent state of contentment—is very much something we can enjoy striving for. I believe that it is an achievable state, but there are absolutely no direct routes there. And if anyone tells you there are, I’d suggest carving yourself a beautiful, elaborate path in the opposite direction from their advice.
There’s something really lovely and fragile about knowing we can’t have instant happiness, that we get to wade into the many rides that our emotions take us on daily (even hourly), so that we can experience the fullness and richness of life.
But there are some things we can do to encourage ourselves down the long and winding road toward happiness, and it’s often the little things, done with mindfulness and persistence, that accumulate and train or minds (and brains) to think happy.
You know the drill: train the body to like running, and at first it will laugh and maybe spit at you—but eventually it will cave to your iron will, and a runner you (and your body) will be!
Why should the brain and mind be any different?

Awhile back, I wrote an article, 5 Things To Do Before Breakfast for a Happy Day. I’d like to follow that up with a companion piece about quick and simple things you can do right before bed to cultivate contentment in your life. I hope you enjoy!

Okay, you’re snuggled into bed, comfortable and warm and cozy. Check. Now …

1. Say thank you and review the day.

First things first: gratitude. Take a moment to say thank you – for the day you had, for the privilege and honour of having lived another glorious day, and for your own efforts at making a go of this crazy, powerful thing called life.
On to the review: don’t labour over this unnecessarily and absolutely don’t be full of regret for things left undone. Try to assume a slightly detached point of view, as though you were going over a friend’s activities, and try to observe, without judgement, one or two things you are proud of doing that day, and one or two things you might have done differently.
This will help you foster an ongoing awareness of your goals and behaviours, and this will help guide you toward your ideals.
As a last part of this review, you can make a mental note to yourself that for the next 24 hours (until your next nightly check in), you will aim, through your words and actions, to do and be exactly as you would like, using as a measure your highest aspirations for yourself.

2. Create a sankalpa and recite it to yourself.

Sankalpa” is a Sanskrit word, and is something close to an intention or resolution. It’s actually more of an idea for something we are very determined about, with the goal of making positive changes in our lives.
It is suggested that you decide on only one sankalpa, and that it be quite short and phrased in a positive and not negative way. It should also be phrased to indicate that success has already been achieved. So we should try to get at the root of our deepest desires and goals, rather than focus on more superficial ones.
Examples of sankalpa might be, “I am strong and healthy” or “My life is exactly as I desire it to be” or, if this has been an issue, “I am free from addiction.”
In achieving a firm resolve about the positive direction we want our life to take, we train our brains and minds to become more flexible for accommodating these changes in our lives. In this way, it helps to bridge the mind and body, and get them working in sync for the better.

3. Set an intention to remember your dreams.

I love this one. As we know, our minds are very powerful and trainable tools. We meditate to gain control of our minds, tame our thoughts and live in active harmony with the world around us. We can effectively guide the mind to work to our benefit, and one way to do this is to have access to our dream world.
Some people remember their dreams easily and naturally. I am not one of those people. There are several ways to cultivate this ability, and one easy and effective way is to actually think about it before bed. As you’re lying in the dark, you can bring to your attention the desire to remember your dreams, and even tell yourself, “I am falling asleep now, and dreams will come. I will be aware of these dreams, and remember them when I wake up.”
When you start remembering your dreams in the morning, you will have a feeling of accomplishment—you have guided your mind into working for you!
You can then work with your dreams in any number of ways.

4. Breathe and scan your body.

All this reviewing and intention-setting may have inadvertently made your mind over-active, and now is a good time to prepare body and mind for relaxation and sleep.
It’s simple! Take a few long, deep breaths, letting go of the thoughts and actions of the day. Then, at your own pace, bring your attention from the toes all the way up the legs and torso, front and back, followed by the hand, arms, shoulders, neck and head.
As you’re doing this, try not to judge any sensations you’re experiencing, or condemn yourself for having thoughts or distractions. And if you fall asleep, that’s okay! You have become rested, and that’s great! Just go along with the scan for as long as you can, and this objective, gentle attention will have a dramatically calming effect.

5. Give the world and yourself some love.

If you are still awake now, notice if any source of pain came up during your body scan or even your memories of the day, and gently place your hands on that area, if you are able, and let the love flow. Do what you would do for your own child, or lover, if they were in pain. Touch, hold, fold in warm embrace.
You can also use your breath to fill this part of you with calm and peace. And if the pain was more psychological or emotional, place your hands on your heart, or chest area (or somewhere else, if your instinct guides you there), and do the same.
Remember that the love you give yourself is also love that extends out to the whole world, and by nurturing yourself, your surroundings become filled with light. In treating yourself with kindness, you are actually showing how grateful you are to be part of the magical unfolding of life.

There’s nothing better than going to bed in an atmosphere of gratitude and love!

Monday, April 20, 2015


Lately I've had these waves of peace that wash over me and feel like some kind of deep breath was just released.  At first I mistook it for exhaustion (and easy thing to do these days) and then I explored it further and realized this is what bliss feels like.  I don't mean to sound all Oprah about this but I bring it up because I think so often we are focused on the next thing and not really allowing ourselves to feel happy. I know for me there have been so many moments where I look around and see that I should be experiencing joy but I was so full of mental chatter that I couldn't just let it go and give in to enjoying that fleeting happy moment. I've been working on just letting go and giving completely into this moment. It might be laughing with my daughter, goofing around with my boyfriend or sitting outside having a heart to heart with my girlfriends over a glass of wine.  I have pushed and worked my ass off to be where I am right now and as much as getting to the next goal is my biggest priority I have finally understood to relish this time, the work, the beauty and the gratitude I have for my life. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

"I did not clip her wings"

Ted talks are some of my favorite ways to feel inspired and informed.  I try to watch these talks as often as possible but it usually ends up that at best I'll sit down to a quiet dinner once a month and take in as many of these as I can.  I stumbled upon this Ted Talk tonight and had to post it.  Unless you live under a rock or have a strong aversion to the news you probably know who Malala Yousefzai is and the impact she has had not only women & girls in Pakistan but around the world. She was shot in the head by the Taliban for speaking out about the atrocities under their rule (at age 12), made a full recovery, had a fatwa placed against her or anyone who tried to support her and has since inspired an amendment to Pakistani law that all children now have the right to education and has become the youngest Nobel Peace Prize recipient at age 17.  Her fathers talk is so heartfelt and beautiful. I implore you to take 17 minutes out of your day to watch it. 

And then think of the ways we can pay it forward, pass these ideas along and raise our daughters and sons to be empowered toward equality. These struggles don't just exist on foreign soil, these sentiments are echoed here in our own backyards.  We must push each other to open up dialogues, be mindful of our language toward one another and the limitations we put on ourselves and each other. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Regal beauty.

There isn't anyone who does chic, modern sophistication quite like Valentino right now. This collection was stunning, simple and perfect. See for yourself.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Gratitude Wednesday

Spring in NYC. Need I say more? Feeling so much gratitude right now.

1.  After a long & harsh winter I couldn't be happier for my favorite season to finally be peaking its head out. Spring is the time when the city is re-energized and at its optimum beauty. Not to mention its the perfect time to rock leather pants and trench coats, two of my favorite fashion items of all time.

2. I just got back to the city after a week vacation and I feel so revved up & ready to jump into getting my next projects moving and shaking. I feel grateful to have had a break and grateful that I feel energized again. 

3. New York City. I am so madly in love with this city it's ridiculous. I love to get away, change the pace and take some time off but even more I love coming back home.  No matter what kind of chaos and frenzy may be going on in my life here nothing makes me happier than getting back to this magical city.

4. Random subway strangers. Yesterday I was riding the subway with Vivienne and struck up the most lovely heart to heart with a totally random stranger. Suddenly we were connecting over life, children and what it means to be a working mother in the modern world. I love the random connections this city brings.

5. Supportive, loving friends. I am blessed with the most wonderful friendships in my life.  I really couldn't survive without all these people.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Keep it simple.

There is nothing sexier than simplicty of good design. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Permanance is a myth.

A wise woman I know use to tell me to "be like water".   Often when I feel that I am trying too hard to control chaos or when I am questing why something isn't as it was I try to remember that.  Came across this quote today and it reminded me to stay fluid and flexible. 

Monday, April 6, 2015


Heading to Florida for a week to decompress. It probably wont be relaxing (4 kids in one house) but it will be a welcome change of pace and weather!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Some days

Some days I am a twirling, whirling dervish. Some days my feet don't stop moving until I fall into bed much too late. 

Some days I have to beg my legs to keep me up, one foot in front of the next. 

Some days it's "let's just get through the day" as a mantra. 

Some days I realize I have put a week into a single day and some days I realize it's time to slow down.