Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Gratitude Wednesday

It's a crisp perfect Fall day today & I'm feeling grateful for so many things right now...

1. I'm grateful to get to bring my daughter with me on appointments. I've been previewing all the S/S 15 collections and love that I take her with me!
2. Soup. There is absolutely nothing better on a cold Fall day than warm soup. I've been getting really into roasting root veggies & pureeing them in my blender, add some tofu sour cream and  it is comfort food perfection.
3. Capes, coats & leather pants. Yep, I have been waiting all year to rock out my favorite fashion pieces.
4. Having an agent who feels like my business partner, cheerleader & my guiding force. She pushes me out of my comfort zone & even though I resist it sometimes, I am ultimately grateful beyond words.
5. Golden leaves. I love walking down the street and seeing leaves in various tones of gold & red. Sometimes all I see is a sidewalk covered in the fall palette & it makes me fall in love with New York all over again.

Finally cold enough (but not too cold) to wear my cape & leather pants. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Exploding Heart.

That's what having a baby feels like. It feels like your heart is exploding all the time. Every single time my daughter looks at me and smiles my heart explodes.  It's incredible. Actually, there really are no words for this feeling. And when I see her face and see her excitement at the world around her it reminds me to drop my hard edges, lose my jaded perspective and see the world through her eyes a little more. 

Five months in and I'm already very aware she is more my teacher than I am hers. Have a feeling that's not going to change anytime soon. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Just do it.

Do something today that scares the shit out of you. Don't overthink it just act.

Nothing in the world is more empowering than facing down a fear.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Note to self

I love this reminder. Have opinions. Hold them tight. Don't stand in the safe space forever.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Grateful Wednesday

Sitting in the warm & peaceful LA apartment my family and I have been staying in while I'm working on a commercial for a few weeks and I am filled with so much gratitude its hard to limit it to just 5 things I'm grateful for:

  1. Working in LA with a client I love, a team that brings out my best & a city that I'm really beginning to fall in love with. 
  2. The unyielding support and love I feel from my man. Working on an intense job with long hours I don't get to see my daughter or my boyfriend and I'm not always my best self when I get home.  My boyfriend has had dinner ready, the apartment glowing and is my biggest cheerleader when I've walked in the door every night this week. 
  3. Mountains. And ocean. And Palm trees.
  4. A happy daughter.
  5. A day at the beach with my family. Oh yes LA, I could really get used to you.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Lady, like.

There is so much soft, feminine beauty in the spring collections this season, I'm really feeling optimistic about the direction of fashion when I see palettes and texutres like these.





Miu Miu
Stella Mccartney