Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Nov. 8th, 2016.

A momentous day. I woke up early, enthused, anxious, emotional & nervous.  Today we are going to make history. Today is the day we will elect the first female president. I have been telling my daughter about this day for a few weeks now (she was too young to fully understand) but that didn't matter.  I put on her feminist t-shirt and her Dad and I went to our local polling place. There was a communal, electric energy. Lots of parents brought their children & were explaining the process and the privilege of voting. There was an excitement in the air. Hope in the air. It was incredible.  Regardless of what happens, I want my daughter to always know that anything is possible for her. ANYTHING. I’ve been telling her that since day 1 but when you get to punch a ballot for a female president it becomes experiential, not just some cliched parental mantra.