Thursday, July 11, 2013


I've been discussing the nature and definition of success with friends recently and I think its pretty interesting to hear how people define this slightly elusive concept.

Many of my friends said they will consider themselves successful when they reach a point of financial security, creative freedom and are able to provide for their families. Health was also mentioned as a key to feeling successful as was having a loving partner and strong friendships.

I think its a curious investigation into the reality of our daily lives and what we strive to be. I often feel very far from success and I realize I can be quite hard on myself in regards to this idea. Success to me often means making a good (paying all bills, building a savings account & retirement account) living as a stylist, working often and building strong relationships with clients, continuing to have a great relationship with my boyfriend and build our lives together, feeling spiritually fulfilled and getting time to see my friends and family.

I realize that it's easy to overlook the success that most of us have right now in our lives and honoring what we are doing well and how we are succeeding.  One of my most introspective friends brought up a really brilliant point- he said most of us in the U.S. (especially New York) avoid feeling fulfilled, happy and successful because we use relativity to guide our lives. We base our own lives against the lives of others, our success against someone more successful (or someone we perceive as more successful) more beautiful, wealthier, etc. I have to admit I'm quite guilty of this and I often feel that social media only aids in this. As silly as it sounds I often scan through Instagram or Facebook and begin to feel like everyone else is living a wildly glamorous, sexy, exciting life. If for a moment I paused to separate and simply enjoy these images as a momentary slice of life and not the measure for what I'm lacking, the effect is diminished and I carry on enjoying my life and the beauty of my own present moment.

I think then the idea of success should be about how our own lives click and soar in relation to our individual path. Appreciate the lives of those around you and keep your aspirations focused on what feels acceptable, honest and fulfilling in your own terms. We will never taste success or fulfillment when comparing our lives against others.