Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Grateful Wednesdays

Feeling groggy and worn out today. In the midst of trying to shake myself awake and get my day going I am reflecting on the good stuff in my life right now:

1. As much as work feels non-stop and overwhelming right now I am so grateful that it's coming in and I am busy working on jobs I love with great teams and doing what I really enjoy.
2. Getting a little bit of time with my boyfriend. Lately we see each other about an hour every day or two but yesterday we had a bit of normalcy and he was home when I got back from work. It was still just a few hours but it was wonderful.
3. Green juice. I am on the verge of getting sick and I cannot consume enough of this stuff. It's keeping my body strong & healthy.
4. Nice people. Enough said. 
5. Citi bikes. I really love seeing so many people taking to biking around the city. And most of them (the ones who don't look terrified) seem so happy to be riding.

Me & my main man, many months ago.